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EDIT16 provides 2,613 authority records for printers’ and publishers’ devices.

Authority records provide the description of the main figurative elements, the reference to related publishers, the dates when they were used and any mottoes that may be present.

Each device includes one or more standard citations serving as identifiers. Such citations are references to bibliographic sources and comprise one character referred to the source and the number of each image within the source, e.g. Z534 (Z=Zappella 534=number of the device in the book). A device has as many citations as the reference books in which it appears among the six references for the Census:
  •     F. Ascarelli, La tipografia cinquecentina italiana. Firenze, Sansoni Antiquariato, 1953.
  •     F. Ascarelli - M. Menato, La tipografia del '500 in Italia. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 1989.
  • Q      F. Ascarelli - E. Vaccaro, Marche poco note di tipografi editori italiani del sec. XVI dalla raccolta della biblioteca universitaria Alessandrina in "Miscellanea di studi in memoria di Anna Saitta Revignas". Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 1978, p. 29-52.
  •     P. Kristeller, Die italienischen Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen bis 1525. Strassburg, J.H. Ed. Heitz, 1893 (ripr. facs.: Naarden, A.W.Van Bekhoven, 1969).
  •     E. Vaccaro, Le marche dei tipografi ed editori del secolo XVI nella Biblioteca AngelicaFirenze, L.S. Olschki, 1983.
  •     G. Zappella, Le marche dei tipografi e degli editori italiani del Cinquecento. Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 1986.
1,208 devices have not been found in any of the aforementioned reference books and have been recorded and described by the ICCU Dept. for the Bibliography, cataloguing and survey of early printed books. The standard citations for these devices start with the letter U.